Dairy Innovation Hub releases third annual report

The Dairy Innovation Hub has released its third annual report reflecting progress and activities at UW–Madison, UW–Platteville, and UW–River Falls from July 2021 through June 2022.

The report outlines the major accomplishments of the Hub, both since its inception and during the preceding fiscal year.

Read and download the report from the Hub website.

“Having positive impact on the dairy community is what the Hub set out to do three years ago. Now, as we reflect upon the last year, and the cumulative three years, that impact is becoming visible in several different ways,” says Dr. Heather White, faculty director for the Hub and professor of animal and dairy sciences at UW–Madison. “Through faculty hires, training and educating students, funding innovative research, and prioritizing collaboration and communication, we ensure that Wisconsin remains at the forefront of the dairy community.”

Highlights of the report include:

  • More than 130 projects funded across three campuses and four priority areas
  • 15 newly hired faculty across three campuses, with more planned for the future
  • $3.3 million for dairy talent through recently hired faculty, trainees, and staff
  • $7.8 million allocated for new dairy initiatives during the 2022 fiscal year
  • Academic research achievements including engaged students, scholarly publications, patents, leveraged funding and more
  • Collaborative and synergistic initiatives across three campuses
  • Engaged advisory council and three active steering committees

In addition to releasing the annual report, the Hub will host its third annual Dairy Summit conference on November 16 at UW–River Falls. The Summit features the Hub’s newest projects, formatted for a general audience. There is a live virtual option and sessions will be recorded and posted to YouTube.

Farmers, processors, dairy professionals, legislators, and community members are invited to attend this free educational event.

Check out the Hub’s website to register and view the complete schedules, including a listing of all speakers.

The Dairy Innovation Hub, which launched in 2019, harnesses research and development at UW–Madison, UW–Platteville and UW–River Falls campuses to keep Wisconsin’s dairy community at the global forefront in producing nutritious dairy products in an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable manner. It is supported by a $7.8 million annual investment by the State of Wisconsin.

Contact: Maria Woldt, Dairy Innovation Hub program manager, (608) 265-4009, maria.woldt@wisc.edu

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Post on Facebook:The Dairy Innovation Hub recently released its third annual report outlining major accomplishments since its inception and during the last fiscal year. Read and download the report at dairyinnovationhub.wisc.edu/annual-report