
Ibáñez Alfaro is an associate scientist at the Center for Dairy Research. He is focusing on microbiological topics related to cheese and dairy products, along with writing research proposals and supporting research and outreach activities at CDR.
In recent years, US exports of Block-Gouda cheese has exhibited an important increase in target markets from Latin America and Asia. However, Gouda cheese is generally prone to develop biogenic amines (BA, degradation products from amino acids), which negatively affect the quality, safety, and acceptance from consumers. According to the Wisconsin Dairy taskforce 2.0 recommendation “Wisconsin needs to develop a plan and strategies that help our cheesemakers to produce new products successfully targeted for export markets” we believe the cheese industry needs to control and limit the levels of BA to avoid potential issues with overseas regulations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of low proteolytic rennet in combination with high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) on reducing levels of BA in Block Gouda cheese during 9 months of ripening.