If you have a question related to COVID-19 and its impact on the dairy community, please complete the form below. We route questions to our diverse database of experts at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville and UW-River Falls. We will get back to you shortly.
Contact Us
Frequently asked questions:
From UW-Madison, Division of Extension
- Resources for farmers including reducing milk production
- What is COVID-19?
- I’m a farmer and I am afraid – what are my risks?
- I have service providers coming and going from my farm, what are my risks?
- What farm jobs/chores can I safely give kids who are at home?
- UW Extension Farm Management YouTube channel (webinars on the topics above)
- UW Extension Agriculture COVID Response YouTube channel (more webinars + Spanish versions)
General FAQ for the public
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS): COVID-19 FAQ
- Food safety and COVID FAQ
- Food products and COVID FAQ
- DHS: COVID-19 Outbreak Report
Financial resources
One in three households in the US have already had their income cut or stopped altogether, as reported by a national Pew Research Center survey from March 24. The Division of Extension has compiled frequently asked questions to highlight some common financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resources for farmers and processors
Considerations for culling, drying off cows etc. Featuring Dr. Heather White (from Dairy Signal, Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin)
Milk disposal – If you or your patrons have been asked to dispose of milk, please keep in mind the guidance that was issued by DNR and DATCP regarding this. CAFO farms should reach out to Chris Clayton at DNR at (608) 333-9265 or via email at Christopherr.Clayton@Wisconsin.gov. Non-CAFO farms should contact Lacey Cochart at DATCP at (608) 224-4603 or via email at Lacey.Cochart@Wisconsin.gov.
Considerations for landspreading webinar (from UW-Madison, Division of Extension)
Milk production reduction and disposal options (compiled by National Milk Producers Federation with input from UW-Extension)
Resources for entrepreneurs and small businesses (from the Center for Dairy Research)
COVID-19 toolkit (from WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection)
Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (from the CDC)
Central webpage from dairy partners – The Dairy Business Association, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, Center for Dairy Research, Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association have created a central webpage that houses a variety of resources for farmers, processors and customers.
ReadyAg workbook – disaster and defense preparedness for production agriculture, designed to help farm and ranch owners plan for and manage disasters (from PennState Extension)
Resources for parents and kids
Dairy education lesson plans for K-12 students (courtesy of Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin)
Downloadable farm activity pages for kids (courtesy of Filament Marketing)
For kids at home (courtesy of Dairy Girl Network):
- List of Educational Companies Offering Free Subscriptions Due to School Closings (kidsactivities.com)
- Online Resources for Homeschooling (FAIRYGODBOSS)
- Free Audio Books for Kids (Audible)
- Kids Museum at Home (Pittsburgh Kids Museum)
- Virtual Farm Tours While You’re Stuck at Home (American Dairy Association North East)