On August 4, Glenda Gillaspy assumed the role as Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at UW–Madison. She came to Wisconsin from Virginia Tech, where she was a professor of biochemistry since 1998 and head of the department since 2015.
The Hub invited Dean Gillaspy to Sauk City, Wis. on August 24, where she met Hub stakeholders and advisory council members at Mystic Valley Dairy. Representatives from Dairy Business Association, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin, Cooperative Network, the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Farm First Cooperative, Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin, UW–Madison, Wisconsin Farmers Union and more attended the event. Dean Gillaspy, stakeholders, and advisory council members were given a tour of Mystic Valley Dairy farm, led by owner and Hub council chairman Mitch Breunig.
Mystic Valley Dairy is home to more than 400 registered Holstein cows and 1000 acres of farmland, and is recognized worldwide for its genetic contributions. Additionally, the farm has opened its doors on numerous occasions to UW researchers looking for solutions to dairy industry challenges. Breunig and the farm have always been early adopters of innovation and were a great way to introduce Dean Gillaspy to the Hub’s mission and vision.
After the tour concluded, stakeholders and advisory council members had the additional opportunity to network with Dean Gillaspy and each other — with slices of pizza — at a nearby restaurant.