Dairy Innovation Hub seminar: Joseph Sanford explores agricultural wastewater, air quality, and odor management – Oct. 19

The Dairy Innovation Hub continues our faculty seminar series for the academic year! The goal is to showcase current work, introduce potential collaborators (from across CALS and our partner universities), and foster discussion around common research interests. Don’t miss our next seminar of the academic year!

Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 12:05 p.m.
MSABD Room 1111

Joseph Sanford
assistant professor, School of Agriculture, UW­–Platteville
affiliate, biological systems engineering, UW–Madison

Sanford is an assistant professor in the School of Agriculture and faculty researcher for the Dairy Innovation Hub at UW-Platteville. His research interest is in agriculture wastewater management including management of farmstead and edge of field runoff, nutrient management, precision manure application, water recovery and recycling, pathogen inactivation and transport, and emerging agricultural contaminates such as PFAS.

In collaboration with colleagues at UW–Madison and UW–Platteville, Sanford works to develop solutions for farmers looking for cost-effective methods to manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduce odor from manure systems. Sanford and his team are working on several studies that incorporate biochar into manure management systems, including manure storages and anaerobic digestion, to reduce production of GHG, mitigate odors and advance economic feasibility of anaerobic digestion by improving biogas quality.

This seminar will include an overview of Sanford’s current work and time to discuss future projects and opportunities for collaboration. Coffee and snacks are provided!

About the seminar series:

Dairy Innovation Hub faculty seminars are hosted the third Wednesday of the month in MSABD during the academic year. This is an in-person event, but a virtual join option is available by request, contact Maria Woldt at maria.woldt@wisc.edu.

In addition to more than 130 project awards at UW–Madison, UW–Platteville, and UW–River Falls, 15 new faculty have been hired, including seven in CALS with more to follow.

The Dairy Innovation Hub, which launched in 2019, is a $7.8 million per year investment by the State of Wisconsin to build a world-class talent pool and enable bold discoveries to ensure that Wisconsin’s dairy community is at the global forefront in producing nutritious dairy products in an economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable manner. More at https://dairyinnovationhub.wisc.edu/